ga-> q file File 1 : w_NO_albcal_monthly_for_30y Descriptor: Binary: Type = Gridded Xsize = 128 Ysize = 64 Zsize = 18 Tsize = 1 Esize = 1 Number of Variables = 92 hyam 18 -102 hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints hybm 18 -102 hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints gw 0 -101 gauss weights aldif 0 0 Albedo - longwve - diffuse aldir 0 0 Albedo - longwave - direct asdif 0 0 albedo - solar - diffuse asdir 0 0 albedo - solar - direct cgs 0 0 Counter-gradient coeff on surface kinematic fluxes cldhgh 0 0 Vertically-integrated high cloud cldlow 0 0 Vertically-integrated low cloud cldmed 0 0 Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud cldtot 0 0 Vertically-integrated total cloud cloud 18 0 Cloud fraction cloudup 18 0 FRACTION cmfdq 18 0 Q tendency - moist convection cmfdt 18 0 T tendency - moist convetion cmfmc 18 0 Moist convection mass flux cnvcld 0 0 Total convective cloud amount dc01 18 0 Convective adjustment of Q dpslat 18 0 M/S2 dpslon 18 0 M/S2 dtcond 18 0 T tendency - convective adjustment dth 18 0 T horizontal diffusive heating dtv 18 0 T vertical diffusion effcld 18 0 Effective cloud fraction flns 0 0 Net longwave flux at surface flnsc 0 0 Clearsky net longwave flux at surface flnt 0 0 Net longwave flux at top flntc 0 0 Clearsky net longwave flux at top fsds 0 0 Flux Shortwave Downwelling Surface fsnirt 0 0 Flux Shortwave Near-IR Absorbed at TOA fsnirtsq 0 0 Flux Shortwave Near-IR Absorbed at toa >= 0.7 microns fsnrtc 0 0 Clear-sky Flux Shortwave Near-IR Absorbed at toa fsns 0 0 Net solar flux at surface fsnsc 0 0 Clearsky net solar flux at surface fsnt 0 0 Net solar flux at top fsntc 0 0 Clearsky net solar flux at top hr 18 0 Heating rate needed for d(theta)/dt computation kvh 0 0 Vertical diffusion diffusivities (heat/moisture) lhflx 0 0 Surface latent heat flux mq 18 0 Water vapor mass in layer numomgup 18 0 FRACTION omega 18 0 Vertical velocity (pressure) omegaup 18 0 PA/S oro 0 0 ocean (0), land (1), sea ice (2) flag pblh 0 0 PBL height phis 0 0 surface geopotential precc 0 0 Convective precipitation rate precl 0 0 Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate ps 0 0 surface pressure psl 0 0 Sea level pressure q 18 0 Q constituent tracer qflx 0 0 Surface water flux qpert 0 0 Perturbation specific humidity (eddies in PBL) qrl 18 0 Longwave heating rate qrs 18 0 Solar heating rate relhum 18 0 Relative humidity shflx 0 0 Surface sensible heat flux sicthk 0 0 sea ice thickness snowh 0 0 Water equivalent snow depth solin 0 0 Solar insolation soll 0 0 Solar downward near infrared direct to surface solld 0 0 Solar downward near infrared diffuse to surface sols 0 0 Solar downward visible direct to surface solsd 0 0 Solar downward visible diffuse to surface srfrad 0 0 Net radiative flux at surface t 18 0 temperature ta01 18 0 Q SLT constituent tendency (advection + fixer) taugwx 0 0 Zonal gravity wave drag surface stress taugwy 0 0 Meridional gravity wave drag surface stress taux 0 0 zonal surface stress tauy 0 0 meridional surface stress tpert 0 0 Perturbation temperature (eddies in PBL) trefht 0 0 Reference height temperature ts 0 0 Surface temperature ts1 0 0 TS1 subsoil temperature ts2 0 0 TS2 subsoil temperature ts3 0 0 TS3 subsoil temperature ts4 0 0 TS4 subsoil temperature u 18 0 zonal wind ustar 0 0 Surface friction velocity utgw 18 0 U tendency - gravity wave drag v 18 0 meridional wind vd01 18 0 Vertical diffusion of Q vq 18 0 Meridional water transport vt 18 0 Meridional heat transport vtgw 18 0 V tendency - gravity wave drag vvpuu 18 0 Kinetic Energy per Air Mass vz 18 0 Meridional transport z3 18 0 Geopotential Height (above sea level) zmdq 18 0 Q tendency - zhang moist convection zmdt 18 0 T tendency - zhang moist convection ga->