In http://frouingroup/~kyozo/index.php?dir=Chl_Aw/08jan10/ -Spectral_Sfc_Irradiance_Fd0+_25mn-avg_00-30-60deg.eps [1] shows the downwelling spectral solar irradiance Fd0+ of the ocean just above the surface averaged over 25nm intervals in the domain 300-750nm for the zenith angles 0, 30 and 60 deg. -sfc_albedo_diff_Aw-Aw0_0-30-60deg.eps [2] shows the difference in the ocean surface albedo between the chlorophyll water Aw and the pure seawater Aw0 as function of the chlorophyll concentration C. The diffuse spectral reflectance of the ocean just above the surface Rw(0+,lambda) was calculated from 300nm to 750nm with spectral intervals of 25mn. The mean spectral solar irradiance (Spectral_Sfc_Irradiance_Fd0+_25mn-avg_00-30-60deg.eps) shown above was used as the weighting function in calculating Aw and Aw0 (Eq.4). The slopes of C vs Aw-Aw0 are steeper compared to those in Figure 1. In particular, at the zenith angle 60deg Aw > Aw0 for C <= 0.1 mg/m^3 while Aw > Aw0 for C = 0.02 mg/m^3 only in Figure 1. Constant parameter values such as b0 mentioned in the article were used in calculating Aw and Aw0, and it's not clear what causes the difference. Figures similar to those described above were made using 5nm intervals instead of 25nm. In http://frouingroup/~kyozo/index.php?dir=Chl_Aw/12jan10/ figures similar to those described above [1,2] were made using 5nm intervals instead of 25nm. -Spectral_Sfc_Irradiance_Fd0+_05mn-avg_00-30-60deg.eps [3] -sfc_albedo_diff_Aw-Aw0_0-30-60deg_5nm.eps [4] The differences between Figs [2] and [3] are small indicating that the resolutions of Fd0+ and Rw(0+,lambda) in terms of the wavelength may not have caused the difference. Using the compound Simpson's rule in integrating Eq.(4) did not make any noticeable changes either. The relationship between "K" and "u" mentioned in the article is actually a 2nd-order polynomial in u and can be solved analytically. There are two real roots of which the larger root is assumed to be the correct u. The iterative procedure to find "u" mentioned in the article can find this larger root if the starting value is ~0.75 as mentioned in Morel, but if the starting value is too small the iterative procedure will find the smaller value of u = ~0.03.