The following descriptions of the files for VEN STA apply for the files generated for other obs stations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *1 -Daily values in netcdf of Dpco2 at VEN STA [64.7W,10.5N] obtained by applying the "Nearest neighbor remapping (=nn) [Performs a nearest neighbor remapping on all input fields]," >>> NOT "Distance-weighted average remapping." <<< All (1D) values of Dpco2 and time-series at VEN STA are the results of "nearest neighbor remapping" directly applied to the output from NEMO 0.25deg x 0.25deg configuration runs. The values of Dpco2 at a STA obtained by applying "Nearest neighbor remapping" to the model output are the unmodified model output values of Dpco2 for the model grid cell where the STA resides. Unlike "Distance-weighted average remapping", no Dpco2 values of neighboring grid cells are involved for this remapping. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Positive values of Dpco2 in the model output mean that the atmopshere is source and the ocean is sink, while negative values mean the ocean is source and the atmoshere is sink. This sign convention applies to all files included here, and unless it is explicitly mentioned in the figures/text data this rule applies to figs/txt data of Dpco2 generated in the past. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *2 R025-L75T_1d_20010101_20101231_diad_T_selname_Dpco2_s0m_VEN_STA_remap_nn.txt -Same as above but Dpco2 in text form along with time_counter, lat and lon. *3 Dpco2_tseries_R025-L75T_1d_20010101_20101231_VEN_STA_nn.png -Figure showing daily time series of above Dpco2 at VEN STA for 2001-01-01 to 2010-12-31. *4 Dpco2_in_R025-L75T_1d_20010101_at_VEN_STA_a.png -Map showing the original (selected) curvilinear grid cells surrounding VEN STA at [64.7W,10.5N]. Color indicates model Dpco2 values for day 2001-01-01. The black dot mark is the location of VEN STA. *5 Dpco2_20010101_data_cell_indices_at_VEN_STA.png -Table showing the values of Dpco2 for 2001-01-01 and cell indices for valid grid cells surrounding VEN STA shown in the avove fig (*4). *6 Dpco2-R025-L75T_1d_20010101_at_VEN_STA_expanded_b.png -Same as above but showing the model cells in a wider domain. The cells in gray color indicate the land cells (undefined). *7 Dpco2_20010101-20011231-day_near_VEN_STA.txt -Table showing the values of Dpco2 in cells surrounding VEN STA along with time_counter and x and y cell indices for each day starting from day 20010101 to 20011231 (3650 days) (see fig *4). *8 VEN_nav_lon.txt *9 VEN_nav_lat.txt -Tables showing the longitudes and latitudes of model grid cell "centers" (see *4. Dpco2_in_R025-L75T_1d_20010101_at_VEN_STA_a.png and *5. Dpco2_20010101_data_at_VEN_STA.png). VEN STA is located in the cell [x=2, y=2] whose model cell "center" is located at (-64.75E, 10.441716N).