Attached are the text files showing the vertical monthly mean profiles of NO3, PO4, and Si from the surface to 100 m depth. 1) Nitrates Concentration [NO3] : NO3_Monthly_Mean_profile_0to100m_mmol.m3_2002-2011_NEMO_ORCA1.txt 2) Phosphate Concentration [PO4] : PO4_Monthly_Mean_profile_0to100m_mmol.m3_2002-2011_NEMO_ORCA1.txt 3) Silicate Concentration [Si] : Si_Monthly_Mean_profile_0to100m_mmol.m3_2002-2011_NEMO_ORCA1.txt In each table: Column 1 = PPARR5 Station number Column 2 = Case number column 3 to 103 = vertical profiles of monthly mean NO3, PO4 or Si from 0m to 100m in 1m interval at the year and month corresponding to the station number in Col. 1. Units of NO3, PO4, and Si are all in [mmol/m^3], according to the NEMO GCM model descriptions. Please note that "Silicate Concentration" does not include "Diatoms Silicate Concentration" or "Sinking biogenic Silicate Concentration" available as separate NEMO OGCM model output parameters.