SST_NEMO_JUL2007_Indo.eps SST for Jul 2007 in the Indian Ocean from the ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES model of NEMO integrated for 50 years 1958-2007. The external atmospheric forcing fields used are the DFS4 dataset. Units are degC. SST_2XCO2_Scenario_2L23B_JUL2080_Indo.eps SST for Jul 2080 in the Indian Ocean from ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES model of NEMO integrated for 11 years 2070-2080. The external atmospheric forcing fields used are taken from the IPSL simulation labeled 2L23B run for 1931-2080. Units are degC. SST_Diff_2XCO2_Scenario_2L23B_JUL2080-NEMO_JUL2007_Indo.eps SST difference between the above two figs Jul 2007 and Jul 2080. Units are degC. SSS_NEMO_JUL2007_Indo.eps SSS for Jul 2007 in the Indian Ocean from the ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES model of NEMO integrated for 50 years 1958-2007. The external atmospheric forcing fields used are the DFS4 dataset. Units are psu. SSS_2XCO2_Scenario_2L23B_JUL2080_Indo.eps SSS for Jul 2080 in the Indian Ocean from ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES model of NEMO integrated for 11 years 2070-2080. The external atmospheric forcing fields used are taken from the IPSL simulation labeled 2L23B run for 1931-2080. Units are psu. SSS_Diff_2XCO2_Scenario_2L23B_JUL2080-NEMO_JUL2007_Indo.eps SSS difference between the above two figs Jul 2007 and Jul 2080. Units are psu. MLD_NEMO_JUL2007_Indo.eps Mixed layer depth (MLD) for Jul 2007 in the Indian Ocean from the ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES model of NEMO integrated for 50 years 1958-2007. The external atmospheric forcing fields used are the DFS4 dataset. Units are meters. MLD_2XCO2_Scenario_2L23B_JUL2080_Indo.eps MLD for Jul 2080 in the Indian Ocean from ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES model of NEMO integrated for 11 years 2070-2080. The external atmospheric forcing fields used are taken from the IPSL simulation labeled 2L23B run for 1931-2080. Units are meters. MLD_Diff_2XCO2_Scenario_2L23B_JUL2080-NEMO_JUL2007_Indo.eps MLD difference between the above two figs Jul 2007 and Jul 2080. Units are meters. NCHL+DCHL_NEMO_JUL2007_Indo.eps Nano and diatoms chlorophyl comcentrations (NCHL and DCHL) in the top 30 m of the ocean for Jul 2007 in the Indian Ocean from the ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES model of NEMO integrated for 50 years 1958-2007. The external atmospheric forcing fields used are the DFS4 dataset. Units are mg/m^3. NCHL+DCHL_2XCO2_Scenario_2L23B_JUL2080_Indo.eps Nano and diatoms chlorophyl comcentrations (NCHL and DCHL) in the top 30 m of for Jul 2007 in the Indian Ocean from the ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES model of NEMO integrated for 11 years 2070-2080. The external atmospheric forcing fields used are taken from the IPSL simulation labeled 2L23B run for 1931-2080. Units are mg/m^3. NCHL+DCHL_Diff_2XCO2_Scenario_2L23B_JUL2080-NEMO_JUL2007_Indo.eps NCHL+DCHL difference between the above two figs Jul 2007 and Jul 2080. Units are meters. PPPHY+PPPHY2_NEMO_2007_Indo.eps Primary production of nanophyto (PPPHY) and primary production of diatoms (PPPHY2) in the top 30 m of the ocean for Jul 2007 in the Indian Ocean from the ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES model of NEMO integrated for 50 years 1958-2007. The external atmospheric forcing fields used are the DFS4 dataset. Units are mg C/m^3/d. PPPHY+PPPHY2_2XCO2_Scenario_2L23B_2080_Indo.eps PPPHY+PPPHY2 in the top 30 m of the ocean for Jul 2080 in the Indian Ocean integrated for 11 years 2070-2080. The external atmospheric forcing fields used are taken from the IPSL simulation labeled 2L23B run for 1931-2080. Units are mg C/m^3/d. PPPHY+PPPHY2_Diff_2XCO2_Scenario_2L23B_2080-NEMO_2007_Indo.eps Difference of PPPHY+PPPHY2 between the above two figs Jul 2007 and Jul 2080. Units are mg C/m^3/d. DpCO2_NEMO_2007_Indo.eps Delta CO2 (DpCO2) for Jul 2007 in the Indian Ocean from the ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES model of NEMO integrated for 50 years 1958-2007. The external atmospheric forcing fields used are the DFS4 dataset. Units are micro atm. DpCO2_2XCO2_Scenario_2L23B_2080_Indo.eps DpCO2 for Jul 2080 in the Indian Ocean from ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES model of NEMO integrated for 11 years 2070-2080. The external atmospheric forcing fields used are taken from the IPSL simulation labeled 2L23B run for 1931-2080. Units are micro atm. DpCO2_Diff_2XCO2_Scenario_2L23B_2080-NEMO_2007_Indo.eps Difference of DpCO2 between the above two figs Jul 2007 and Jul 2080. Units are micro atm. IPCC_2007_fig3-2.eps Figure 3.2. Left panel: Solid lines are multi-model global averages of surface warming (relative to 1980-1999) for the SRES scenarios A2, A1B and B1, shown as continuations of the 20th century simulations. The orange line is for the experiment where concentrations were held constant at year 2000 values. The bars in the middle of the figure indicate the best estimate (solid line within each bar) and the likely range assessed for the six SRES marker scenarios at 2090-2099 relative to 1980-1999. The assessment of the best estimate and likely ranges in the bars includes the Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs) in the left part of the figure, as well as results from a hierarchy of independent models and observational constraints. Right panels: Projected surface temperature changes for the early and late 21st century relative to the period 1980-1999. The panels show the multi-AOGCM average projections for the A2 (top), A1B (middle) and B1 (bottom) SRES scenarios averaged over decades 2020-2029 (left) and 2090-2099 (right). ipcc_ddc_co2_scenarios.eps Figure 1: Atmospheric CO2 concentrations as observed at Mauna Loa from 1958 to 2008 (black dashed line) and projected under the 6 SRES marker and illustrative scenarios. Two carbon cycle models (see Box 3.7 in IPCC, 2001) are used for each scenario: BERN (solid lines) and ISAM (dashed).